NJR Home Services

How data portrait analysis helped us establish a 10-to-1 ROI for our client.
NJR Home Services (NJRHS) is a leading provider of residential HVAC repair and installation services in a highly competitive and saturated market. Our challenge was and remains to help them grow their signature annual service – the Total Comfort Plan – to homeowners who do not have a warranty or even a need for HVAC repair.
NJR Home Services
Consumer & Home Services

“Princeton Partners has help us craft our brand story in a way that has measurably moved the needle.”

Our research indicated the universe of potential customers was much larger than the group to whom NJRHS was marketing their Total Comfort Plan.

Step 1: We conducted a data portrait analysis of their customer base in order to create a look-alike audience with the highest propensity to become Total Comfort Plan customers and then quantify the addressable audience of high propensity customers.
Step 2: We crafted a multichannel media campaign to serve unique creative messaging customized to each ideal persona’s needs, desires and pain points.
Step 3: Each month, we implement a feedback loop that analyzes the new customers acquired, optimizes messaging and refreshes the target audiences in order to learn, generate leads and acquire new customers.

Our fully attributable customer acquisition program has grown NJRHS’s newly acquired customer base 82% over their stated goal, with our overall branding and marketing efforts resulting in a lifetime-value-based ROAS of 8x-10x on every dollar invested.